torsdag 17. november 2011

"NORGEs PAKKE" i posten

Look what the postman delivered today!
A present came from Norway and it feels
Just like Christmas :)

My best friend for the last 30+ years Bente, surprised me with this magnificent "scrapping bag" made for paper scraps ready to go in the bin, but this was filled with Freia Milk chocolate instead... not 1 not 2 but 3
... Yummi....
...What a lovely gift to receive, and it is not even December yet.

This bag is great to bring to scrapbooking events and courses so you easier can throw away your "junk" right where you are sitting.

You just place the plate on top of the table and the bag it self hangs nicely down to be reached to keep the bits and bobs you want to throw away.
So when you are done, you just empty it and off you go!

I love this bag and I have wished for one since last summer when I first saw one at "scrappe treff" på Søfteland" And now I am a happy owner of one my self :)

The green colour is so me... and I just love the pattern too

Here is a side picture to give a view of what it look like "under the table"

Now you know what to wish for from Santa at Christmas ;)

Have a wishfull weekend

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hei på deg, vennen min;)
    Så kjekt at pakken er kommet frem til deg;) Og supert at den falt i smak;) Håper dere har det fint. Savner dere;) Go klem*

  2. Så kjekt at du likte denne gaven fra Bente, en omsorgsfull g generøs venn du har i henne. Posen er jo bare superpraktisk og PEN i tillegg!
