mandag 18. juni 2012

Anonyme Scrappere # 47

Utfordringen hos "Anonyme Scrappere #47" er
Valgte å bruke et mønstrete blomster ark som bakgrunn, som  er ganske så 
friskt i fargene. Det er ikke ofte jeg bruker slikt som bakgrunn, men tok sjansen likevel  ;P
This challenge from "Anonyme Scrappere #47"
Was to use  3Vibrant Colours
It's not very often I use brigth coloured paper as background
but I  took the chance and chose this as it goes well with the challenge. 
Under er noen nær bilder
A few close up photos
I looked on the PC to find some colour ful pictures, and found this 
from a holiday 3 years back

The background paper I have had for a long time, but not sure about origin. 
After decideing where to put the picture i marked  hard on  inside of the picture line
and turned the paper back to front and cut into where the opening was going to be,
for then to start tearing it towards the marked line. When tuned to front again
all the blue  from the  backside had now created a frame,
 I  then glued on the picture from the backside to fit into it.
I gave it a few go's with gesso on bubble wrap for some more effects
and folde in the right bottom corner and made a fake background for journaling.
Flowers are from Prima: Essentials Pettals Sun Kiss
Tags from Amy Tangerine: Bits, 24 die cuts
Wooden bugs, and a ribbon

4 kommentarer:

  1. Wow! What gorgeous colour here! Great page!!!

  2. a colorful page again.. beautiful!

  3. Fantastisk herlig side.
    Jeg ser du skriver mye kjekt i bloggen din, men jeg må innrømme at fonten du har brukt ikke er så lett å lese. Tenkte det var greit å gi beskjed. :-) Ønsker deg en flott mandag!

  4. Altid kjekt med feed back. Skal se om jeg kan klare å finne tilbake til hvor jeg kan velge noe mer litt tydligere å lese :))))
