onsdag 24. oktober 2012

Liebster Blog Award

It has been a very busy autumn, and there are sooo many things
I should have done. One of the things is to have made and sent out my 
Libster  Blog Award to 5 talented, creative and hard working
scrapbooing bloggers which  have made a difference out in the
big blogging world.
I got mine from Luce ,lucescrap.blogspot.com  and are
 very honored to have received this award.
Please visit her and see all the fun stuff she makes :)
 Liebster er tysk og betyr "kjæreste" eller "elskede", men kan også bety "favoritt".
Ideen bak Liebster Award er å bringe mer oppmerksomhet rundt de bloggene som har mindre enn 200 følgere, og hjelpe dem på veien mot flere venner og følgere :o)

Libster has several meanings but here it  means "favourite"
The idea behind this is to  bring attention to hard working bloggers who has
less then 200 followers and to try and help them to make their blog more 
visible and get more followers.
Here are the Rules :

1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.

2. Reveal your five picks for the award and let them know.

3. Post the award on your blog.

4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogshare-other bloggers.

5. Finally and the best rule of all..........have fun and spread the love!

Nå er det min tur til å gi denne awarden videre til 5 nye bloggere - har prøvd å velge noen som ikke har fått denne før - så ta en tur innom bloggene deres og se på alt det flotte de lager!
So now it is my turn to pass it on to 5 bloggers who has mad 
a difference and has not received it before.  Please visit their blog
and have a look around at their inspirational work.

1. Bente, a creative soul and a real friend when I needed it most and who is 
the main reason I now am  enjoying every bit of scrapbooking.
2. Beck Beattie, from Australia who has a fun and energetic blog and 
has these great words posted on her blog :
'We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives'
Dan Zadra
3. Helene, from Sweeden a real artist and allways generous with her comments
4.Linda, a multi artist who creates everything from LOs, cards,and nitting creations,
who always stops by to leave a  cherful comment
5.Aquarell-Solfrid, who is always quick to post a comment and is
createing a fun diary on her blog.
There are many more who deseve this award, some are more established 
and have many followers, and some has allready got it.
Please  keep visiting eachother and continue to be an inspiration, 
enjoy and have fun!!!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Congrats on your award! :)

  2. oh thanks SOOOO much for the award! I will definitely have to get this posted :) You are a real sweetie xxx
